AAAOM Hires a Lobbyist to Advance Goals in Washington

AAAOM Hires a Lobbyist to Advance Goals in Washington

AAAOM Hires a Lobbyist to Advance Goals in Washington

The American Association of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine recently hired a lobbyist to represent the acupuncture and Oriental medicine professions at the nation's capitol. On March 25, 2009, the American Association of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (AAAOM) signed a contract with Sam Brunelli, of Team Builders International, in Washington D.C. "This is absolutely amazing, a first for our profession," says Jolene Habeck, T8 Minnesota College of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine student at Northwestern Health Sciences University, and national president of AAAOM-Student Organization.

According to the AAAOM Washington Report, Brunelli was hired to build a strong Washington team and provide expert technical support for AAAOM. He has a background in team building and leadership development, as well as a reputation of working across party lines to build unique and successful grassroots movements.

According to Habeck, it's important that students support AAAOM, because if professionals or future professionals are on board, more work can be accomplished nationally, especially in Washington. "Students are the future of this profession, and they can help cultivate our success," says Habeck. "It is important that they know where the profession is now, and take part in helping it move forward. It also provides a great networking opportunity for students and alumni, which is essential when starting a practice." Students can help support Brunelli and the AOM profession by becoming a member of AAAOM-SO, taking part on national committees, and spreading the word about how AAAOM is benefiting the profession.

"The AAAOM is an organization that is representing ancient medicine," says Habeck. "Everyone's help is needed so that this medicine will be around for more generations to come."

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