When you take a job with an employer, you make an agreement with him or her (or the company), whether it is written or implied. It is in both parties' best interest to have the terms of employment clearly specified. This is where an employment contract comes in handy.
One major element of the employment contract is a detailed description of what each party promises to provide. You should compile a list of the equipment and supplies required and who is responsible for providing and maintaining them. Be sure to include linens, oils, lotions, table, chair, music and sound system. Also, delineate any marketing and management services (e.g., appointment booking, insurance billing, client files and fee collection).
Another major portion of the employment contract specifies the financial obligations of the contracted party. This is usually included when the contract involves subcontracting, and its main purpose is to protect the hiring party in case you do not perform your services adequately.
Sometimes the terms of an employment agreement may be provided in separate documents, although it's best to have it in one contract that's signed by all parties. Ideally, you would come to the negotiating process with a sample of your own contract and checklist,* review the hiring company's contract and create a specific contract that is mutually agreed upon. If the hiring company insists on using only its contract, make sure you have responses (preferably in writing) to all the items in your checklist.
* See "Employment Contracts Checklist" in Issue 2 at www.futureLMT.com.
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