How to Maintain Your Endurance in Massage School

How to Maintain Your Endurance in Massage School

How to Maintain Your Endurance in Massage School

When I first came to MTTI, I was a bit naive. I believed I was going to be shown how to do a basic massage and help people learn how to relax. Within a week, my teachers began talking about muscles and bones and a whole lot of things I never thought I would have to learn. I was somewhat unprepared because of my narrow view of what a massage therapist was.

Nonetheless, a fire was lit in me, and I'd go home and read each night, trying hard to absorb the information. It was a great deal of work, but I'd get to class prepared, pass my test and move on to the next muscle. Some of my classmates were also working full time and raising children, but somehow they were able to reach deep and endure. "Endure" is a good word here, as that is what it takes to be successful in massage school. You can do it.

But this battle is not one to be fought alone. You have to rely on your family, friends, teachers, administration and peers. They will all be there for you, and you should be there for them as well. We are a village!

Most important: Do not fall behind in class. That is the biggest setup for failure. I have seen quite a few students fade away into the sunset because they did not attend class. This is probably one of the biggest investments of your life, and you owe it to yourself to see it through, eyes wide-open, thumbs dug in. This is a blessing you are being given that will change the way you approach your day. Rely on your "village," attend every class and look forward to the day you step into the clinic.


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