April 28, 2014-Throughout the month of April, MaKami College, an Edmonton and Calgary-based massage therapy school, used anAA innovative social media campaign to help raise funds in honour of World Wish Day on April 29.
The college donated a baseline of $100 to the Make-A-Wish Foundation and added $1 for every new Like they got to their Facebook Page, up toAA $1,000.
"We have been long-time supporters of World Wish Day," says Marija Pavkovic Tovissi,AA managing director of MaKami College. "For the past few years we have donated our massageAA therapy services to the Edmonton Stollery Children's Hospital Foundation when they do theirAA Make-A-Wish fundraiser, but this year we really wanted to do something more."
Source:AA MaKami College
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