On your way to becoming a professional massage therapist, your education is essential, as it provides the foundation of your future practice. The more you glean from your studies, exams and hands-on experience throughout the course of your massage therapy education, the better. From anatomy to business marketing, you have a lot of learn if you want to have a successful career in massage.
While getting into the materials and methods of massage and learning the business of it, more tools than ever before are available online to assist you. Online study tools for future massage therapists come in a variety of forms and may be able to help you in ways you may not have originally considered.
Whether you want to take a practice test or need help organizing your thoughts, the Web may be able to help you. Since online tools are available all day, every day, you can access them whenever convenient for your schedule and interact with the study tools as often as you want for maximum comprehension.
Consider using some of the following tools as you pursue your massage therapy education. The practice exam you take may mean the difference between passing or failing when the real exam arrives. By taking advantage of these study tools, you can set yourself up for success in the massage field both now and in the future.
1. Massage-Specific Exam Study Tools
The National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork, Massage Prep and Massage Practice Exams
Organizations including The National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork, Massage Prep and Massage Practice Exams offer access to practice exams, study guides and interactive tutorials. These organizations provide subscription-based access to their online tools. Cost for massage students will vary, mostly depending on the length of the subscription.
The National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork
Massage Prep
Massage Practice Exams
2. Massage Therapy Flashcards
Study Stack and Study Blue
Online massage therapy flashcards from Study Stack or Study Blue allow you to not only create your own set of flashcards, but also allow you to peruse a treasure trove of flashcard decks, designed specially for various topics, including anatomy, physiology and more. Both sites also offer more than just flashcards, including quizzes and study guides.
Study Stack
Study Blue
3. Anatomy Tests
Quizlet provides a wide range of study tools, including apps, quizzes, tests and study sessions on anatomy and other massage-related topics. This free site is gaining popularity and offers massage students a no-cost way to enhance their subject-matter recall and fine-tune their knowledge.
4. Online Study Groups
Google Hangouts gives students a way to interact outside the classroom. Google Hangout groups can share photos, comments and schedule group video chats to discuss topics of interest, share study tips and more.
Google Hangout
5. Organizational Tools
Evernote gives you a place to organize class notes with related websites and multimedia, such as audio clips, photos and videos. You can compile running to-do lists, keep track of upcoming assignments and tests and share projects with classmates, all with one single tool.
6. Online Courses
Massive Online Open Courses (MMOCs) allow students to get free access to class coursework on the Web. On MOOC List, you can search the database for the course you want by educational institution, the type of certificate, instructor and other criteria. These online courses are free and open to anyone who would like to participate.
7. Collaborative Project Mindmapping
It's well-known that not every student has the same learning style. Mindmeister is a mindmapping tool that can help students organize their thoughts, whether those thoughts regard an upcoming essay or how different massage techniques may suit different muscles. Mindmeister may be especially useful for preparing for presentations and collaborative assignments.
8. Writing
The Purdue Online Writing Lab is one of the best Web resources for help with grammar, mechanics, punctuation, writing exercises, style guides, citations, research methods and the writing process.
Purdue Online Writing Lab
9. Productivity
Google Chrome has an extension called StayFocusd that will allow you control the amount of time you spend on websites that have nothing to do with your studies. This is a great tool for massage students, as Facebook may look tempting during late-night study sessions. With this customizable tool, you can schedule how much "surf" time you want to allow yourself on particular websites during a set period of time, and the Chrome extension will block you from those websites once you've reached your maximum allowance.
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