Success Checklist 4

Success Checklist 4

Success Checklist 4

The items below are goals, activities and skills we suggest you accomplish by the time you are finished with the fourth segment (4/6) of your education.

  • Create a list of networking groups (include meeting time, place, cost).
  • Identify your networking needs.
  • Clarify the type of work you want to do (e.g., relaxation, spa, sports).
  • Choose three target markets and complete target market profiles.
  • Compile a list of potential employers.
  • Check out several potential office locations.
  • Interview several practitioners and clinics about renting office space from them.
  • Survey at least 10 massage practitioners' Web sites.
  • Decide whether to be self-employed, employed or a combination of both.
  • Meet with a financial advisor.

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