Cover Page
The cover page is the first page of the business plan. Include a title (e.g., "Business Plan for The Healthy Alternative"), and put your name and contact information below it.
Table of Contents
List all of the business plan sections with corresponding page numbers. Title each document you include in the Appendix.
Owner's Statement
A one-page description of the business and the owner. Include contact information, a summary of your business experience and philosophy; and a brief business description (e.g., the year the business was established and current financial status).
Executive Summary
This section consists of business plan highlights. It is of critical importance if you are applying for financial backing; it must convince lenders and investors that your business will succeed.
Mission Statement
A mission statement conveys the essence of your business-why your business exists and what values underpin everything you do.
Purpose, Priorities and Goals
A detailed description of your business activities and career plan in terms of short-term and long-term goals.
Business Description
Give a brief overview of your company. Describe your location, the services you provide, the unique features of your business and products you sell.
This is the pivotal component of a business plan. Describe your image, target markets and differential advantage.* Outline your marketing goals for all four areas (promotion, advertising, publicity and community relations). Delineate a timeline, budget and rationale for each strategy.
* For help describing your image, target markets and differential advantage, see Issue 4.
Risk Assessment
List possible external events that might occur to hamper your success and include a contingency plan to counteract the most significant risks.
Financial Analysis
Statements about your income potential, fees, current financial status and financial forecast.
An overview of your business organization, procedures and policies.
Success Strategies
Describe your methods for implementing your business plan.
Additional information or documents such as letters of recommendation, news articles about you, copies of promotional materials and financial statements.
For sample business plans, see Issue 5's Online Resources at
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