The following traits and skills will help you have a long, successful, and fulfilling career.
Personality Characteristics
Be confident in your abilities, have a positive mental attitude, maintain healthy boundaries, enjoy working with people, be willing to take risks, and stay focused.
Client Interactions
Possess reverence for the inherent magnificence of the human body and spirit. Respect clients regardless of their physical conditions or the reasons that they seek care. Customize each session to address clients' long-term goals and immediate concerns.
Technical Capabilities
Integrate what you've learned in school with hands-on practice in the field. Recognize that in the first few years of practice, it's vital to continue your education to expand your portfolio of skills and techniques. Continuing your professional education throughout your career opens many doors to both personal fulfillment and professional growth.
Business Savvy
Take advantage of books, classes, marketing products, coaching services and online resources to assist in expanding your business knowledge.
Helping others is difficult if you neglect your own wellness. Developing a habit of self-renewal helps you stay energized and ensures you're at your professional best. Carve out time for daily walking, yoga, meditation or your favorite exercise. Enjoy time in nature and get a weekly massage!
Grow a Strong Client Base
The number-one key to career longevity is a solid base of clients. After all, without them you don't have a practice. Include a mixture of promotion, advertising, community relations, and publicity-with the emphasis on promotion. Retain clients by making them feel safe and welcome, and by finding effective ways to support their wellness goals.
According to industry leaders, the average number of years a massage therapist stays in practice is two to three. Yet, some people stay in the massage field for more than 20 years. What sets those people apart from therapists who have a hard time making it? See "A Practice That's Built to Last: How to Achieve Career Longevity," by Cherie Sohnen-Moe, MASSAGE Magazine, Issue 122, June 2006.
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