Conferences Benefit Students

Conferences Benefit Students

Conferences Benefit Students

Attending a professional conference is a good way for massage-school students to see what services and products are available to massage therapists, to network with potential employers, and to meet future colleagues.

Most conferences in the massage-and-spa fields feature an exhibit-booth area. It is here that you will find representatives from companies that sell massage-related products, such as lubricants, hand-held tools, bolsters-and almost anything else you can imagine. Companies that offer massage-related services, such as insurance, software and Web sites, are also in attendance at most conferences.

Free samples and demonstrations are usually available in the exhibit hall. You'll want to have time to see and try everything-so plan to spend one to three hours the exhibit hall.

Spa conferences, and to a lesser extent massage conferences, are attended by representatives of spas. If your target employer is a spa, then conferences offer informal means of meeting these representatives.

The people who are working in the massage field-either as employees or self-employed-also attend professional conferences. If you are going to graduate soon and want to meet your future colleagues, there's no place they'll be gathered together in greater numbers than at a conference.

If you attend an association's conference, then you can use your attendance as an opportunity to learn more about the association and how joining it might benefit you.

Are you wondering how to find a conference near you? Every issue of MASSAGE Magazine contains a comprehensive Conventions & Events calendar and you can also visit for a new expanded Calendar of Events, including workshops and local happenings.

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