Online Resources Part 3

Online Resources Part 3

Online Resources Part 3

Job Interviews

Business Services Skills Assessment
Assessment forms designed for business service skills instruction.

Job Interview Checklist
Before you head out the door, study this helpful checklist to make sure you are fully prepared for this important appointment.

Ask Ella: Creating an Interviewing Strategy
The best interviewing strategy is preparedness. Nationally syndicated columnist offers personal, strategic and tactical advice on workplace questions.

The 6 Species of Interviewers
People who interview job candidates tend to develop a distinct personal style. If you can quickly read an interviewer's style and establish rapport, you will appear more confident and knowledgeable.

Interview Questions and Answers
To reduce the stress typical of an interview, take the time to review the 'standard' interview questions that will most likely be asked. From Alison Doyle, guide to job searching.

Job Longevity

The Ethics of Touch
Ben Benjamin and Cherie Sohnen-Moe's book on ethics addresses the difficult and confusing dilemmas confronting touch therapy practitioners. It is written to guide, support and inspire both students and seasoned practitioners. Its Web site offers excerpts, reviews, teacher's corner, schools list, codes of ethics, home study courses, authors, resources, testimonials, and contact information.

Business Mastery
Cherie Sohnen-Moe's guide for creating a fulfilling, thriving business and keeping it successful. Its Web site offers a home study course series, a teacher's manual, a schools list, and more.

New on the Job: Rookie Flubs
The first year brings high expectations which can quickly deflate if you
make some of these beginner's mistakes

Characteristics of a Good Employee
Most employers agree that good employees should display: dependability, punctuality, initiative, a positive attitude, ability to get along with others, flexibility, motivation, and the ability to perform assigned duties. So how can you tell if you would make a good employee?

Tips on Being an Employee
These are not tips on being a good employee. In fact, if you're a good employee you probably don't need these tips. Here are some skills that are difficult to practice, but can really help you.

Career Advice: Five Secrets to Becoming the Perfect Employee that Everyone Wants, Part One
The employee who can rise above the everyday problems and embrace challenges will be the person that every employer wants. Here are five career development secrets to being the perfect employee.

Resume Writing

Resume Service
Demonstrate your competence with resumes that promise results.

Microsoft Office Templates
Resume templates for use with Microsoft Word.

Career Resources Toolkit for Job-Seekers
Free resources on cover letters, resumes, interviewing, networking, salary negotiation.

Work - Business - Careers - Jobs
Helpful career, work, and business information, advice, and tips that assists you with your own career and work life.

JobWeb Resumes and Interviews
How to write an effective resume, how to prepare for the interview, and writing cover letters.

Quest Career Services
15 Tips for Writing Winning Resumes is a short article about writing a resume to effectively market yourself to employers.

Creating Prints
Creative and Professional Resumes that Work!

Need help getting a job?
Free tips on writing your resume, finding a job, and handling interviews.

Community Learning Network: Writing Resumes and Cover Letters
Reference links to two types of resources related to the study of writing resumes.

Reprinted and Customizable Marketing Materials
(e.g., brochures, gift certificates, greeting cards, handouts, newsletters, posters) Start with these:

WaterColors Cards for the Massage Therapist
Massage therapy greeting cards, business cards, postcards, posters and promotional displays.

Natural Touch Marketing for the Healing Arts
Professional marketing materials such as brochures, cards and newsletters for massage therapists.

Hemingway Massage Products
Quality massage therapy education products.

Massage Marketing
Newsletters designed specifically for massage therapists.

Massage marketing tools for developing your successful massage business.
Massage Posters, T-shirts and more than 100 other massage related items.

Hewlett-Packard In-House Marketing
Create marketing materials in house.

Custom printing for your business and personal needs. Business Cards, postcards, magnets, brochures, return address labels, invitations, etc.

Primal Pictures
A unique dynamic human anatomy resource that provides you with stunning 3D visuals, animations and concise text for use in health care education, for patient education, for your students or for your own presentations.

Design Companies

Voila! Media Group
We are a small, woman- and veteran-owned business, committed to one thing: results. Our knowledgeable and savvy creative and technology professionals unite to develop media communications that amaze target audiences and more importantly, provides client satisfaction and success.

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