All you need to start out are business cards and a telephone. These may be the only tools you'll ever need if you want to work part time or reside in a community where you're the only practitioner of your kind.
Marketing a massage practice starts with education and relationships. Make emotional connections with people. Do whatever you can to increase your visibility in your community.
Here are 10 simple ways to enhance your startup.
1. Attend networking meetings
2. Take classes
3. Write articles
4. Hold open houses
5. Give demonstrations
6. Wear logo clothing
7. Have a website
8. Volunteer in your community
9. Get interviewed by the media
10. Distribute business cards and brochures
For a complete list of the major business startup tasks, see
For tips on networking, read "Network Your Way to Success,"
Make sure your business cards and brochures are top-notch. Read "Compelling Collateral" at
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