Top 5 Ideas for Landing Your Dream Job

Is Massage Therapy School Difficult

Top 5 Ideas for Landing Your Dream Job

Have you ever thought about what it would be like to land the perfect dream job? You know, the one where the work is challenging but not too stressful, there’s a rewarding feeling to doing the job, and the pay affords you the lifestyle you want. How do you make that dream a reality?

1 Determine what your dream really is.

While you may have an idea of what your dream job would entail, it’s vital that you go beyond the basics to fully know what that means for you. It’s not just about a minimum salary or a certain type of establishment. There are numerous factors to consider, and every massage therapist is a bit different in what he or she wants.

One of the best ways to start to piece your dream together is to work in a variety of facilities. Landing that dream job probably isn’t going to happen for most people shortly after they finish school, because the reality is you don’t know what you want and what you don’t want. The only way to learn those things is through experience.

Plenty of people in the profession can give you their opinions on what makes a great job, but it’s only through experience that you’ll learn what your dream really is.

2 Be proactive.

While looking through posted job openings is great, what if you devoted even more time to searching out facilities that match your dream and then pursuing them on your own? Scour the businesses in your area that fit your dream and do your research. How is the work environment? What is your potential for climbing the ladder? How do employees like it?

Just like you should research any company seeking a new therapist before you apply, do the same for those that check all your dream-job boxes, even if they’re not actively seeking out a therapist at this time. Then pursue them. Write your résumé and plan talking points about what you can add to their facility, and try to set up a time to talk to the owner or manager.

You might be surprised how many businesses need to add a massage therapist but don’t actively search for one.

3 Work your way up.

A lot of people focus in on entrepreneurship and the glamour that’s become so equated with owning a massage practice. But the reality is, not everyone wants that or is suited for that path.

Let’s say you dream of managing a successful, large, multi-therapist practice, but the idea of taking on all the financial risk and responsibilities that come with starting your own business makes your stomach turn, and there’s no way you’ll ever feel right doing it on your own.

That’s OK!

Once you find a facility you love where that management goal is attainable in a different capacity, work your way up. Start wherever you can and climb the ladder until you reach that pinnacle of what your dream job is.

4 Branch out your skill set.

As massage therapists, we focus a lot on continuing education, particularly in our hands-on skills. And while this is important, your dream job isn’t only going to require your great massage skills and knowledge, but a variety of abilities you may not have even considered yet. Leadership skills, communication, public speaking, adaptability, confidence and introspection—just to name a few.

You can give an amazing massage, but how is your communication with clients and coworkers? You may be well-versed in a dozen different modalities, but how do you handle criticism? Being a well-rounded massage therapist who can land and excel in that dream job goes far beyond your hands-on skills. So branch out.

5 Build your own dream.

Not everyone’s dream consists of being an employee. If that’s you, don’t wait around for someone else to build your dream; instead, build your own. Get out there and start learning and planning how you can start your massage practice the way you want so you never have to be reliant on an employer.

While it may seem like a huge leap—and in many ways it is—being your own boss and being 100 percent proactive in building your own dream, exactly as you want it, is also one of the most rewarding avenues you can take in this profession.

Savanna Bell, LMT, is the owner of, a membership company focused on providing marketing content and business education to help massage therapists around the globe build successful businesses.


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